Distant Reiki healing on this website is sent by Frances Watkins. This page is dedicated to your distant Reiki healing requests which can be for yourself, family, friends and pets. Frances is a medical herbalist, Reiki practitioner and teacher trained in the Usui tradition of natural Reiki healing.
If you wish to receive distant Reiki healing please email with your first and last name, town of residence and the number of days you wish to receive distant Reiki healing . You can also email on behalf of someone else providing you obtain their permission.

This is a free service. However, if you wish to donate something to a charity of your choice please do so. Alternatively you can send a donation to the UK Reiki Federation, PO Box 71, Andover, SP11 9WQ (Their mission is to set standards of good practice for Reiki in readiness for the National Occupational Standards).
Frances Watkins practices 'hands-on' sessions and teaches Reiki healing in Watford and surrounding area of Herts/Beds/Bucks. Each Reiki healing session costs £40 and includes a 50 minute full body treatment. On your first visit please allow an extra 20 mins for taking a case history. To book a Reiki healing session or find out more about being attuned to Reiki healing energy, call Frances on