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Exploring the Tarot
Exploring the Tarot
by Jocelyn
In our literate society today, people have largely forgotten how to read pictures inspirationally, but when reading the Tarot cards years ago people saw every symbol as a key that unlocked the mysteries of the Tarot.
Have you ever wondered why churches have stained glass windows? These were introduced for the believer to meditate upon and so deepen their spiritual understanding, bringing colour vibration and healing into their soul. The Tarot can also be used in this way with worthwhile results as the complexity of the cards and the sometimes, contrasting symbolic images communicate many layers of meaning through imagination, feeling and intuition.
Amazingly Tarot has moved with the times and is still as relevant today as it was centuries ago, guiding the individual towards a more spiritual and less materialistic way of life and challenging them to grow with integrity. Although they differ pictorially from deck to deck, the cards can alert the seeker to the best times to sow and harvest their crop, although it is up to them which seed they choose to plant and whether they tend it well or neglect to feed and water it.
There are hundreds of different Tarot decks, each consists of seventy-eight cards, which are divided into 22 major and 56 minor secrets or arcana, which simply means mystery. These offer prediction of events and trends in the life of the seeker with revealing insight, when used in a specific way. The cards themselves do not possess any hidden powers; they are not good, evil or even magical but are a window into the history, life and soul of the seeker.
A fresh approach through understanding and exploration...
Tarot is simply a means of receiving guidance in both our spiritual (inner) and material (outer) worlds but has been subjected to much condemnation, suspicion and even derision - not only in history but in the present day. Lack of understanding results in harsh judgments being made, Tarot is not intended to be sacrilegious but a means of illuminating the search of self, a way of embracing personal transformation and opening a door of discovery...
There is, I feel, a distinct difference between divination and fortune telling. The latter conjures up pictures of fair grounds with women with large hoop earrings, lots of bangles, flowing skirts and hands eagerly outstretched to relieve you of your silver. Divination on the other hand speaks of connecting with the Divine. It is a humanistic and serious-minded effort to decipher personal mysteries and shed light upon them. The spiritual message supporting each separate card lifts the reading above being a mere fortune-telling exercise and shapes creative thoughts with clarity and power.
A doorway to enlightenment, hope and choice
The major arcana tell a story, with inspirational pictures that start with 'The Fool' and end with T'he World'; very apt when I believe that we are heading towards an era of raised awareness in global issues and higher consciousness...
The lesser arcana show the more commonplace aspects of our lives and can outline events that the seeker has experienced in the past but that directly affect their present or future, giving them the opportunity to learn and grow from both traumas and triumphs.
The seeker then must then accept this deeper understanding of life, after all the cards may have unlimited wisdom and possess a real presence of power behind their psychic images but must be enabled by both the reader and the seeker if they are to tell a story.

How I work
Rather than the stiff and wooden technique that can be acquired through repeating the meaning of each card parrot fashion, I combine my intuitive thoughts with knowledge based upon experience from life and my years spent nursing, from advanced astrological learning and the skills I acquired when I trained as a counsellor.
To do this we look at the form, shape, structure or configuration of the spread of cards and see if there are any overriding colours, symbols or figures. Dealing with the here and now we view the cards as if they were a moving picture, like a flip book, developing the seeker's human potential. I ask how the seeker is feeling at this moment and where they are in the present, not in the past.
This is not psychoanalytical, which works on the belief that "you're not OK and I'm not OK" but rather a friendly "you're OK and I'm OK" chat. It is perfectly alright if they feel frustrated, angry or sad about an aspect or aspects of their life; after all life can be frustrating and not at all easy.
The seeker is then asked to look at certain cards individually in detail and discuss what they first notice about the card and the overall feeling they get from it. Together we look to see if there any dominant colours in the card and what is felt when these colours are seen. Do they need to surround themselves with this colour or buy an item of clothing in it? Colours are, after all, vibrations of light which can be felt by the body and bring healing and calm back into the life of the seeker.
I ask how they would describe the character of the main figure in the card, what they feel are some of the most striking objects or symbols and if they have any significance for them. I will also ask them to say intuitively what they feel are some possible meanings of the card and how this interpretation applies to their life. I get them to choose a card that best represents themselves, their job or vocation and their hopes and dreams for the future. Perhaps a Queen will remind them of someone they know. I ask what is she like, what is she thinking and if they would like to change their relationship with her.
This combines both esoteric and exoteric knowledge. It nourishes and soothes while encouraging independence towards accepting personal responsibility. It prompts conscious choice and direction to those who wish to live a life that is enjoyable, worthwhile and fulfilling - and is a wonderful gift.
In our hectic, fast-paced lives, which do not allow for space, one's reflection and deep thought, it is rare to get the chance to focus entirely upon your own needs. Tarot is a walk by the ocean or in the woods; it is a heart-to-heart with a special friend or a retreat that asks who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Where do I want to go? What do I want from life?
Perhaps you have come to the Tarot from curiosity, but by reading this you have begun a journey of great potential towards self-discovery. One thing is certain; whoever created the Tarot left behind a lasting legacy from which humanity can continue to learn the basic tenets of humanistic psychology - a truly rewarding experience.
Jocelyn writes under her Wiccan name of Celtic Moon and lives with her husband, three children, parents and an assortment of pets in Devon. Working as a clairvoyant and teacher in esoteric arts, she has developed her own web-site which offers the opportunity for those who wish to tap into and touch the energy of the natural world and the Tarot. Alternatively, you can email Jocelyn at
© Celtic Moon: All rights reserved .
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