
    By Debi Miller 
Times we go through sorrows and hard times in our lives
And sometimes we don’t know if we are doing things right
But then we get that feeling that comes from deep within
And sometimes hear a whisper ever now and then
Hold on to your faith and don’t ever let go
For through the storms we all must go
The tides may seem high and the water seem so deep
But if you'd hold on tight you will see
Everything we go through is always meant to be
It makes us stronger the trials we go through
And also we can tell others they can do it to
So hold on to your faith no matter what it be
For there is always an answer waiting for you and me

By Debi Miller 08-21-04

 Comments:   My dear friend Luna sent me your website and I read her poem on your site. I have wrote several poems and songs over the years but I wanted to share this one about my friend
Thank you
Sacramento California
