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Heal With Colour

Colour Therapy
By Ted Andrews.

Two of the most essential elements of life are air and water. We cannot survive very long without either one. Most people do not drink enough water or get enough fresh air. Simply increasing both will boost the overall energy levels. We can also use both air and water in colour therapy to assist the body in healing itself of various conditions.

Fresh air and proper breathing are essential to overall health and vitality. Breathing for the most beneficial effects should be done through the nostrils. Many people have the bad habit of mouth breathing, not realizing that nostril breathing is more natural and healthy. Mouth breathing makes an individual more receptive to illness. It impairs the overall energy and it can weaken the constitution. Between the mouth and the lungs there is nothing to strain the air. Dust and other impure ubstances have a clear track to the lungs which can lead to inflammation of the respiratory organs.

Nostril breathing on the other hands is healthier and more vitalizing to our entire energy system. The nostrils and the nasal passage have small hairs that are designed to filter and sieve the air through the mucous membranes. This makes the air more fit for the delicate organs of the lungs. Breath is then more energizing....

The frequency and strength of that energy is largely determined by our thoughts. Breathing different colors will assist with different health factors. The key is to determine which colors are needed. Make yourself comfortable. A seated position may be more comfortable. Your spine should be erect. Place the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth. Inhale slowly through the nostrils for a count of five or six. Hold that breath for a slow count of 12. Then exhale slowly through the mouth for a slow count of five or six. Establish a slow rhythm.

Now, as you breathe in, see and feel the air coming in as a particular colour. See and feel it filling your whole body. See and feel it balancing and healing whatever condition you are wanting to correct. If unsure as to the color, breathe in pure, crystalline white light. You may also breath the seven colours of the rainbow to balance your overall system. Breathing the colour for three to five minutes can have a wonderful effect. Different colours, when being breathed, will elicit different effects:

Red Breath - Energizing and warming; helps with colds and sinuses; drying to mucous membranes.
Pink Breath - Beneficial to skin conditions; puffiness; eases loneliness.
Orange Breath - Balances emotions; can ease respiratory conditions; awakens creativity; restores joy of life; orange and pink combinations (peachy colors) are good for muscles.
Yellow Breath - Assist you in learning more easily; eases indigestion and gas; the gold shade of yellow is an overall healing color and is beneficial for inner head problems.
Green Breath - Eases nervous conditions; awakens greater sense of prosperity; pale green is good for improved vision; helps in overcoming bad habits.
Blue Breath - Calming; awakens artistic talents; eases respiratory problems; generally healing for all children.
Dark Blue Breath - Accelerates healing and mending after surgery; helps heal bones when combined with tinge of green (teal blue); helps to open intuition.
Turquoise Breath - Helpful for respiratory conditions; arthritis; can be combined with pink to assist in overcoming bad eating habits.
Violet Breath - Beneficial to skeletal problems; purifying; helps to detoxify the body; awakens spiritual attunement.
Purple Breath - helpful in detoxifying the system; helps overcome strong obsessions and negative feelings; most effective when combined with white.

This is an extract from 'How to Heal with Color, Balance Your Chakras!, written by Ted Andrews and published by Llewellyn Publications. The book is available from the Soothingminds online shop.

