By Penelope Quest
The words you say to yourself, the words that other people say to you (especially in childhood) or that you hear on television or in films, and the words you read in newspapers, magazines, and books, all have an effect on you, and your life-force energy, or Ki.
To see an example of how the power of words can affect you, try this exercise in front of a mirror. Stand up straight and look at yourself. Now begin to say aloud the words 'I am sad' repeating the phrase at least ten, but not more than twenty times. Watch what happens to your body and listen to what happens to your voice.
Your shoulders and back will begin to slump, you will probably find it a bit difficult to keep eye contact with yourself in the mirror, your breathing will become slower, you may begin to feel quite emotional, and your voice will drop and become quieter.
Now reverse the process, continuing to watch and listen to yourself, and begin to say aloud the words 'I am happy', repeating them ten to twenty times. You will find that your body straightens up, your eyes become sparkly, a smile appears on your face (you may even laugh) and your voice will lighten - and all because of a few words!
This demonstrates how important it is to monitor what you say. Like the words of a well-known song, you need to 'accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and latch on to the affirmative!' I often overhear people saying really negatvie things about themselves, calling themselves stupid, or saying that they can't do things, or that they'll never be able to achieve something. And of course, if you keep telling yourself such things, you'll believe them, and they will become self-fullfilling prophecies.
Just try really listening to what you say for one day and you'll be astonsihed at how many negative statements you make, especially as you'll be trying to be particularly positive that day! Once you've identified the problem, however, it can be changed.
I know you've probably been brought up to be modest, but it really does pay to say nice things about yourself - if at first you feel a bit awkward saying good things about yourself to other people, then first say them aloud when you are alone. Doing this still works, and it will be good practice for being positive about yourself to others later on.
In addition, when many people talk about illnesses, they 'own' them by saying 'I've got ME,'. or they even take on the identity of an illness, saying, 'I am a diabetic'. I'm not trying to trivialise either ME or diabetes, or indeed any other illness, but your body listens to what you say, so if you keep affirming that you have a disease, it is bound to keep on recreating it.
Rephrase such statements to something like 'I've had ME, but I'm getting much better now,' or 'I was diagnosed with diabetes, but I'm able to control it well now.' Eventually you'll be able to leave out the 'label' of the disease and just say ' I'm feeling great, thanks better than ever!'
Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your LIfe, is a great exponent of positive statements about your health; she managed to heal herself of cancer using affirmations, so they can have real benefits. Being positive about your health may not bring about such dramatic improvements for you - but it might, and even if it doesn't you'll actually begin to feel better anyway because using positive language helps you to feel more optimisitic.
This extract is used with the kind permission of Penelope Quest and comes from her book, Self-Healing with Reiki published by Piatkus priced £10.99. To buy the book visit
Affirmations and Conscious Reprogramming
by Hazel Raven
We make positive or negative affirmations all day long. Our body (and everyone else for that matter) believes every word we say. How many times during the day have you found yourself making a negative statement about yourself or someone else? For example, in saying that you cannot handle a relationship, you are talking about a relationship as if it were a static physical thing, like a milk jug, rather than talking about relating - a dynamic, active process of communication.
Never underestimate the power of words. You and only you have the power to de-programme yourself. We must understand that the unconscious mind is not logical but purposeful. Often an individual will develop an illness to avoid having to confront something. People who get sore throats before having to speak publicly could well be being protected by their unconsciousness because they remember when they were humiliated talking in front of a class as a child.
Start today to follow the old tradition known as mindfulness. Be aware of every thought you have, be aware of every word you say. Very soon you will see a change in your health, your behaviour, your whole attitude to life. Decide today to change. Be aware of any negative thoughts you have about yourself. Did someone tell you this about yourself? Find out where you store the negative thoughts in your body.
Keeping a journal is vital for self-development. We have so many thoughts each day that it can be difficult to keep pace with them - unless we write them down - to ascertain the patterns that underpin our attitudes to ourselves and others. Acquire a beautifully bound notebook and write your thoughts nightly for the next month, from moon cycle to moon cycle. That's the length of time we need to perform a new behaviour in order to turn it into a meaning ritual habit.
You are what you believe
Working with the crystal kingdom is an excellent way of de-programming yourself.
1. First write out a positive affirmation for yourself. Make it as powerful and appropriate to you and your personal situation as possible.
2. Hold your control crystal (or a suitably programmed clear quartz crystal) in you left hand with your positive affirmation.
3. It is necessary to be seated comfortably, so sit in a relaxed steady posture with the spine and neck held erect but not tense. The spiritual current must be able to flow unimpeded from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
4. Place the hands in the lap, with the right hand resting on the left (still holding the crystal and affirmation) and gently ease the shoulders back so that there is a slight stretch on the back of the neck. Keep your mouth slightly open and rest the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth.
5. Now simply turn your full attention to the movement of your breath. Begin to follow the breath entering and leaving your body and gradually feel the effect this conscious breathing has on your body.
6. Begin to focus on your positive affirmation. Really feel the emotions associated with it. Visualise how this affirmations would change your life. Do you feel comfortable with the changes or is there resistance in your body. Do you really believe your affirmation?
7. Be honest with yourself. This honesty facilitates healing to take place on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and etheric.
8. You may use this technique on yourself as many times as needed to find the right affirmation. I have found that normally, when people are very ambitious with their affirmations, their bodies, or minds, resist the positive new programme.
9. Try not to overdo this procedure though; remember to allow your body time to integrate the new flow of energy.
10. At the end of this session allow yourself time to return to everyday awareness and normal breathing.
Finally, drink plenty of pure fresh clean water; this will flush any toxins from your physical body which may been released during the session.
This is an extract from Hazel Raven's book, Crystal Healing The Complete Practitioner's Guide and is available in the Soothingminds online shop.