If you wish to exchange links email
. Please note that we only exchange links with sites that are content rich in the complementary health sector and associated topics.
Colour Therapy
The Colour Therapy Association is truly independent, non-profit making organisation, encompassing Colour Therapy as a whole. www.colourtherapyassociation.org
Through many interactive features, learn how colour, light and dyes play a vital role in our every day lives. www.colour-experience.org
Lots of interesting info produced by Colour therapists passionate about colour energy www.internationalcolour.com
Complementary Health
Relax, refresh and rejuvenate with Reiki for people and companion animals, Indian head and face massages www.akasha-therapy.com
The Alternative Guide to Health & Healing in London and the South of England including local 'What's On'. www.altguide.com
The UK's alternative medicine, complementary therapy and natural health care resource centre. www.chisuk.org.uk The definitive guide to the best sites on the internet containing thousands of detailed website reviews. www.thegoodwebguide.co.uk
HolisticPages - Holistic Medicine, Alternative Therapy and Complementary Health Directory
The online guide to symptoms and their treatment with alternative therapies. Read about the treatments, find a practitioner, therapy centre or training course in your area of the UK. Visit www.holisticguide.net
A searchable database to find a local alternative practitioner in the UK www.uktherapy.info
What role do carbohydrates, protein, and fibre play in our diets? All you need to know about vitamins. http://www.vitaguide.org
Good selection of aromatherapy gift ideas including wheat bags. www.youraromatherapy.co.uk
Crystal Healing
Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations was formed in 1988 to promote training and competence in crystal healing therapy and maintains a practitioner register of qualified crystal healers in the UK. www.cyrstal-healing.org
Crystal Therapy is dedicated to sharing the benefits of crystal healing. www.crystaltherapy.co.uk
The sound of the crystal bowls penetrate the body opening the chakras and helping to create a balanced ambience. www.singing-bowl.co.uk
Energy Healing
A guide to over 80 body-centred methods of healing and personal growth. Related books, holistic practitioner listing and health directory. www.bomi.info
Health Kinesiology is a successful and growing form of complementary therapy. www.hk4health.co.uk
A small Buddhist group dedicated to helping others seeking and sharing the light, to find each other. www.holisticdirectory.co.uk
A directory of complementary and alternative therapists in London www.london-therapists.com
Donna Eden is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and has been teaching people to understand the body as an energy system for over two decades. www.innersource.net
The Reflexology Spa is an evolving business, offering in depth advice on Reflexology and treatments to customers throughout the local area www.reflexology-spa.co.uk
The Reiki Federation is an independent federation of individuals who have been attuned to Reiki, with the objective of forming a national umbrella organisation for education, training and guidance in the public practice of Reiki. www.reikifed.co.uk
Practitioner listing including many who work with animals www.reikiplus.co.uk
Complementary Health Practitioner listing for UK. www.synergy-health.co.uk
Complementary therapists in the UK and Eire www.ivy-rose.co.uk
Reiki Sounds events, therapies, training and workshops http://homepage.ntlworld.com/reiki.sounds
The Yorkshire Health Directory includes complementary therapy practitioners, alternative healthcare, health food shops and organic food suppliers in Yorkshire and the Humber. www.yorkshirehealth.co.uk
Flower Essences
The flower essences created at Tree Frog Farm are unique to the coastal Pacific Northwest. This area embodies the soft feminine yet ruggedly straightforward energies of the temperate rainforest and the waters of Puget Sound. www.treefrogfarm.com
Herbal medicine and culinary herbs: one of the oldest and largest herbal information sites on the net.www.henriettesherbal.com
A great resource for herbal information. Look up specific herbs, find herbal remedies for specific ailments and learn to make your own tinctures, oils, salves, infusions, etc. www.herbalremediesinfo.com
A sympathetic and ethical company, providing flexible, balanced and effective herbal preparations. www.herbsofgrace.co.uk
Susun Weed, herbalist and author of womens health books, invites you to rediscover the Wise Woman Tradition, herbal medicine healing, and how to make home remedies. www.susunweed.com
A starting point for gaining an insight to allergies. www.allergy.org.uk
The National Asthma Campaign is now known as Asthma UK, marking its renewed drive to increase awareness of asthma. www.asthma.org.uk
Beating Bowel Cancer is a small charity founded by Lynn Faulds Wood with the aim of saving lives from this common cancer.www.bowelcancer.org
For free information on all issues relating to heart health in the UK www.bhf.org.uk
Breast Cancer Campaign wants to understand why Britain has one of the highest breast cancer deaths in the world and do something about it. www.breastcancercampaign.org
Lots of resource for ME Support www.mesupport.co.uk
Medical dictionary search engines
HealthDirectoryUK.com is an informative health and medical directory on the web www.healthdirectoryuk.com
This site is great if you are searching for medical references and is a culmination of the most popular medical search engines covering Health, Drugs, AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes and Stroke information medical-dictionary-search-engines.com
Mind, Body & Spirit
Cosmic Sparkle is a place for healing inspiration. Learn how to create your own mandala and interpret its meaning.www.cosmicsparkle.co.uk
A great place to journey is Ellie Crystal's metaphysical and science web site. www.crystalinks.com
Dowsing is an art and a science that allows you to expand your abilities beyond three dimensional limitations www.diviningmind.com
Everything you need to know about Palmistry and Hand Analysis. www.handanalysis.co.uk
Holistic Exhibitions around the world www.holisticexhibitor.com
Simple solutions for life's problems. www.lessons4living.com
Excellent gifts that literally last a lifetime. Unique poems written for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. www.agiftofpoetry.com
OmPlace shows that there are choices and that there are alternatives for living a healthy, balanced life www.omplace.com
Andy Porter works withPsychic surgery, a channel for the spiritual entities to work through www.andy-porter.co.uk
Serving a community of private individuals and professionals who have the desire to cultivate a life of clarity, compassion, and creativity. Join Charlie Badenhop's monthly newsletter Purple heart, Simple mind www.seishindo.org
These paintings are built on symbols that come from many places and have since the beginning of time been used in mans spiritual research www.sgea.com
Spirit And Sky - The Definitive Spiritual Directory www.spiritandsky.com
Spirit Source covers topics of interest for those seeking to understand their Life's Purpose and is updated frequently. www.spiritsource.org
Learn to calm the inner mind and body with Tai Chi www.taichisociety.com
A psychological and spiritual exploration and lots about Brian Bates book www.wayofwyrd.com
Quiet Spaces
Healing retreat situated in the beautiful Carmarthenshire Countryside West Wales. The malindi natural healing centre offers weekly yoga and meditation classes, workshops and courses plus lots more. www.malindi.co.uk
Family run retreat centre offering open retreats, workshops, working holidays. Set in the beautiful Cvennes Mountains, 2 hours from Montpellier and Nmes airports .www.thesuncentre.com
Yoga holidays by the pyramids, the Red Sea and on Mount Sinai. Try scuba diving, camel trekking - or just relax on the beach! www.yogatravel.co.uk
Yoga holidays and retreats with nature walks, massage and relaxation at La Buissiere, in the beautiful Lot valley in SW France. www.yogafrance.com
Personal Development
Discover the wonders of surrendering to the universal life force www.subud.org
The classic Greek philosophers had a word for the process of self-actualizing and striving to reach your highest potential. They called it 'Aret.' (pronounced ar-uh-tay. Discover the wisdom of the world's great thinkers and define your own philosophy. http://thinkarete.com
The aim of Hartwell is to help participants to heal, regain their balance and find a true purpose that puts them in harmony with all our relations: the stone, plant and animal beings with whom we share this planet. http://www.hartwell.eu.com/home.htm
practice animal communication to enhance your relationship with your animal companions. http://pawyourheartout.bravehost.com
For current information about bioenergy laboratory research, media, publications and bioenergy tools www.bioenergyfields.com
Scientific American is full of the weird and wonderful including special issues that cover detailed reports on advancement in our understanding of medicine and how the body works. www.sciam.com
A wonderful site full of facts regarding the nose and sense of smell. www.senseofsmell.org
Music is the language of the emotions and sound therapist Arden Wilken has created a systematic vocabulary for it. www.ardenwilken.com
A natural, safe and effective way to soothe your baby and you. Relaxation music for mother, baby and the whole family www.calmtime.co.uk
Karen began combining her work as a Colour and Sound therapist with her singing workshops, creating a unique course called 'The Colours We Sing'. www.karen-grace.com
Shirlie Roden is a sound therapist, workshop leader, singer/songwriter, composer/lyricist and musical performer. She is known for the high, pure, healing tones of her singing voice www.shirlieroden.com
Sound Intentions is a clear informative site including harmonics, toning and mantras. Although scientific machines for sound therapy have been produced, the human voice is the most flexible tool for channelling conscious intent. www.soundintentions.com
All of the Kanji characters featured on this site and their meanings can be found at www.kanjisite.com
Oscar Wedding Carriages - an opportunity to experience the timeless beauty of rare classical motor cars on your special day www.oscarcarriages.co.uk
The British Wheel of Yoga encourages greater knowledge and understanding of Yoga. www.bwy.org.uk
Yogaweb is a comprehensive guide to yoga. Find information related to the ancient art and science of yoga. www.yogaweb.com
This Iyengar Yoga site has good background information and lists workshops and classes in South East London. www.yogainlondon.org.uk
Details of yoga teachers, classes and events in the UK. www.yoga.co.uk
The Yogic Path offers the unique opportunity to gain understanding of the Yogic discipline as a whole. In addition to practical classes it offers tuition in the rich philosophical foundations of Yoga. www.yogicpath.com
My Favourite Ezines - Find family friendly ezines here or list yours at no charge. www.myfavoriteezines.com
The Ezine Directory lists 2,000+ of the best ezines available on the internet today. Search, browse, or add your ezine today! The web's best ezine directory with samples for each listing. www.ezinelisting.com
Ezine directory with thousands of titles available online, even add your own www.newlist.com
BestHost web hosting and web design www.besthost.co.uk

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