This area of the web site is your personal space to share your thoughts and feelings with other visitors. You can view the poems submitted by clicking on the titles in the left hand column of your screen.
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with your poem or short story of less than 500 words including your name, town of residence and any comments you wish to share. Here is a thought that recently came to mind:
Open Door
Next time you stand and look at yourself in the mirror
Listen and acknowledge the essence within
It will guide you and show you the appropriate steps
In fulfilling your mission in this physical life
You are a beautiful soul with a divine purpose
Experiencing many aspects of human emotion
The bliss, the suffering and the incomprehensible
Are all doorways to assisting others
When someone is lost in their own circumstances
They need you to open up new possibilities
And gently guide them in accepting their anguish
As a precious gift in realising personal fears
Take your torch of unconditional love
And light up the path of shared experience
May the universal life force engulf you, protect you
And give you all the inspiration you seek in this life
Bright thoughts