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New Frontiers of Sound Healing
By Jonathan Goldman
How can sound, in whatever manifestation, assist in healing and human transformation?
This is an extraordinarily vast question, because sound has almost unlimited abilities to assist in healing and human transformation. Sound can affect us on the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual.
On the physical, sound has the ability to rearrange molecular structure. This is a scientific fact. As we know, everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, from the chair you may be sitting in to the pages of this magazine. One of the basic concepts of healing with sound on the physical body is to project the correct resonant frequency of the organ, or whatever is out of balance, back into the body.
On the emotional and mental bodies, music is very effective. In particular, music affects the limbic system, that aspect of the brain which governs emotional response. Through using specific music (specific for the individual), we can help elicit certain emotional responses that may be very therapeutic and transformative in their nature.
For the spiritual body, both sound and music can be equally effective. In particular, I believe that self-created sounds such as mantras, vowel sounds and harmonics are most powerful, though of course, listening to either recorded or live music or chanting can also be very effective.
Naturally, since we now know of the inter-relationship between the mind and the body, that which affects the emotional or mental will also effect the physical and vice-versa. This includes the spiritual body as well, of course.
Can you give us some examples?
I have been researching this area of sound healing for quite a while and one of the interesting paradoxes is that the different people working with finding the correct resonant frequency of, say the heart or the liver, will all seemingly have great success with their frequencies. And yet, these frequencies will all differ.
This also seemed to hold true for the frequencies for the different chakras, as well as mantras for different chakras. Then, I came up with this formula, which is stated in my book HEALING SOUNDS. It is this:
What this means is that the energy that occurs when a sound is created (the "intent") is of equal importance to the actual sound (the "frequency") that is used.
It is my belief that we will find out in the very near future, that self-created sounds may be the only way we can actually stimulate different parts of the brain through mechanical resonance. Now, there are various technologies that are being offered in which sound travels through the ear into the brain in order to affect the brain. But this is a different phenomenon--what I'm talking about is a direct resonance of the brain using our own sounds. I believe it is possible to make new neural-synaptic connections in the brain with sound. And that it is possible to stimulate the various glands such as the pituitary and pineal with these sounds.
I'd like to suggest that the brain may be just a transmitter and receiver of different frequencies. The brain may be thought of as a kind of radio that can be tuned to different signals. If we can learn to tune the brain to different frequencies using sound, we can open up to many different aspects of consciousness and energy.
On an emotional level, we all have different tastes in music. I think there is about a 60% agreement in the way people respond to different music's. So in terms of music affecting our emotional states, it really depends on what we like and don't like.
In terms of affecting our spiritual states, I have seen incredible experiences occur with my students through working with specific mantras, as well as working with vowel sounds and harmonics. In my book 'Healing Sounds', there is another formula which I would like to share. It is this:
This formula seems to be found in the spiritual sound work of most of the great mystical traditions of the world. One chants a mantra, for example, "Om Mani Padme Hum", an ancient Tibetan Mantra, while visualizing becoming the Buddha of Divine Compassion, for whom this mantra is specifically designed. Chanting in a group creates a group consciousness that is synergistic, with the whole being greater then the sum of the parts. It is amazing!
I believe that not only are we unique vibratory beings, I believe that we can learn to shift our frequencies--that is to change our vibratory level. I think that really, this is the key to healing and transformation - being able to shift frequencies. We can learn to use our own sounds to consciously affect our own vibratory patterns and align with these energies for health and transformation.
What are some of the breakthroughs in sound technology?
Edgar Cayce, the "Sleeping Prophet", predicted that sound would be the medicine of the future. And the future is now. There are many amazing tools now being developed and appearing in the marketplace which use sound to affect our brain waves, our physical body--all sorts of different things.
I would just like to conclude by saying that while I believe that all the instrumentation that is coming forth is quite extraordinary, it is important to remember that we have within ourselves that most amazing and god given instrument of sound for healing and transformation. That instrument is our voice. It is natural, cost effective and does not require batteries or electricity.
This is an edited extract from an interview by Jonathan Goldman. Visit
for lots more on the benefits of sound healing. Jonathan's book 'Healing Sounds' is available in the Soothingminds online shop.
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