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Colour in Food

Colour in Food
By Phillipa Merivale

The foods you eat provide one of the most obvious means by which you can absorb the energies of the colour rays you need. You are what you eat, and food is essentially the energies of colour materialised by the plant, or sometimes by the animal, depending on one's food habits and preferences.

What happens is that plants take in the seven cosmic rays (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) from the light energy of the universe, and they then convert it, through the process of photosynthesis, into a form which they use to grow and sustain life.

You then set about to reverse this process when, in consuming these energies as the solid matter of plants, you break it down through the process of metabolism, eventually making it available to the body as an energy in a form you can use.

This process continues up the food chain, through animals to humankind. Human beings and animals, like plants, also absorb these cosmic rays directly through the skin and eyes; but, at this stage in evolution, this process is subsidiary to the process of digesting the food which is our chief source of energy. Paying attention to food, and its colour, is therefore a valuable aspect of any treatment involving colour.

At present, there is still relatively little which is widely known and accepted in the West about the exact combinations of the cosmic rays which should be absorbed through your food for perfect harmony and health. Both the Indians and the Chinese teach that all foods are composed not only of the seven rays of the spectrum, but also of the five elements: earth, water, air, fire and ether.

Differences in the composition and quality of foods are attributed to the quality and quantity of these rays and elements, and dis-ease is attributed to the wrong combinations of foods as well as to the more obvious factors of over or under consumption.

There are perhaps two general principles, when paying attention to the colours in your foods, which are significant. One is the need for balancing different types (and colours) of foods, because not only do you need to attempt to balance the rainbow spectrum, but also red, orange and yellow foods have an alkaline effect; blue, indigo and violet foods have an acid effect; and green foods are neither acid nor alkaline: green helps to bring about balance in this as well as in other contexts. Being neutral, green foods help to maintain the optimum pH balance.

The other general principle is to introduce the foods from the hotter and more energetic end of the spectrum - that is to say the red, orange and yellow ones - towards the beginning of the day, and to reserve the calming ones - the blues, indigos and violets - for the later hours.

In addition to these general principles, of course, your intake of specific foods can be increased, depending upon the seasonal availability, according to your needs. If, say, yellow has emerged as an area of depletion, then it will help you to redress the imbalance in the solar plexus area if you drink lemon juice, eat fresh yellow peppers in salads, and incorporate the foods of this ray into your meals throughout the day, not just in the morning.

This is an extract from Philippa Merivale's book Colour Talks! and is available in the Soothingminds shop.
