Scanning the Energy Field
By Antonia Behan
As we awaken our minds to a greater understanding of the Human Mind, Body and Spirit we are all finding new ways to use our senses to help us grow, to help us heal and give us a deeper meaning and understanding of who we are and what life is all about. Our true form as currently understood is that of light or a vibration of energy particles and we are spiriual beings that have taken on an energetic form within the frequecy band of this planet.
Each of us has the ability to be a healthy and balanced being, simply by understading our energy body and the way our minds work... simple!!!! and yet we are having to re-learn and remember how to do this. The main challenge would appear to be lack of knowledge, however I believe the real challenge is learning to trust once more in our natural intuition and inner wisdom, to trust what we 'see' with our minds and know in our hearts and not just what we see with our eyes and understand in our heads.
Scanning the energy filed is a bit like reading the aura. It is about imagining what you energy body looks like and holding a clear vision of this in your mind. Once you can 'see' this vision of energy, light or colour, it can appear in a diferent way to people, then it becomes about observing your energy body and looking at how it reacts to thoughts, emotions and the physical environement.
You can do this by imagning everything around you is just energy or light, whatever is easier for you. If you can hold the vision of yourself as light and then imagine the world around you as light too and watch how the energies work together, then you are begining to be able to 'see' the energy field of yourself and your world. The next step is learning to scan!
Scanning is about observiing what is there and interpreting it in a away that makes sense to you personally.
When I scan my body I do this because I either feel out of balance and want to clarify why so that I can do something about it. Or, because I am instantly aware that something is either draining me or making me feel amazing and I want to clarify what that is so that I can either choose to stay in this energy or move away from it.
When I scan I see the outline of my body and if something is draining me I see cords of light coming away from me and as I follow them with my vision, I can see what is draining me and either mentally break that link or physically move away from it.
With this you can only do what feels right to you.
If I feel out of balance, I again look at the outline of my body and watch to see what I am drawn to. Somtimes I see a dark colour that may indicate an energy block or virus, it really is about following your intuiton with this and through time and practice only then will you really understand yourself, it cannot be learnt over night, it takes time and is a valuable gift to develop for yourself and eventually, as you learn to trust it, a gift for you to share with others too.
It is lovely to scan your energy field when you feel great. This allows you to clarify who or what makes you feel good and why, gradually you will recognise this energy and automatically sense the environement, people and places that either support you or drain you.
Scanning the energy field is useful with illness, it helps you discover where illness comes from, if external factors are at work or if it has been generated from within. Once you can 'see' an illnes or energy block, you can begin to work with your mind to clear it and heal it, simply by creaeting a vision of a healthy area of light replacing the area that you percieve as out of balance, or simply making a clear intention for healing to take place now and trusting the process.
This allows you to take full responsibility for yourself, it has no known side affects or negative consequences, it has no 'proven' successes either, but it seems to work for some people and I know Scanning the energy field helps me in many ways, so perhaps it can help you too.
If you would like to share insights on this matter please feel free to check out Antonia's website for other articles and diary entries at