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Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique
A summary provided by the European College of Bowen Studies
The Bowen Technique is a remedial and holistic form of 'hands-on' bodywork, gentle and effective. The therapist uses thumbs and fingers on precise points of the body to perform Bowen's unique sets of rolling-type moves which stimulate the muscles, soft tissue and energy within the body. These careful moves prompt the body to reset imbalances and heal from injuries and even long-standing complaints, promoting relief of pain and recovery of energy.
The experience of a treatment is gentle, subtle and relaxing. There is no manipulation and no force is used. A very wide range of complaints can be resolved with The Bowen Technique. The body normally responds quickly to The Bowen Technique, making it a very time- and cost-effective treatment option.
The Bowen Technique has provided help and relief for a great variety of conditions. These include: back and neck pain knee problems; mastitis/tender breasts; sports injuries; RSI; shinsplints; frozen shoulder; tennis elbow; lymphatic drainage; PMS/menopausal symptoms; respiratory conditions and bunions. In addition, the following conditions have often responded well to Bowen Technique treatment: chronic fatigue; hayfever; high blood pressure;
headache; kidney problems and arthritis.
A typical case history of Bowen Technique treatment would feature these elements: Usually within 1 to 4 treatments, you will know whether or not you are going to respond to the technique - no need to wait until youve had 12 or 20 sessions to see if anything is happening.
If you are responsive, positive progress with, or a complete resolution of, the problem that brought you to therapy will be seen in this short time-frame and, if required or desired, treatments may continue for longer.
Conditions other than the presenting problem (often not even mentioned by the client to the therapist) often improve in addition to the requested focus for help - an example being a client who came with back pain and found that her asthma condition, which she hadnt even mentioned, responded positively to the Bowen treatment as well.
A growing number of athletes and their physios are discovering that regular Bowen Technique treatments enhance performance and reduce the incidence of injury. When they do have an injury, the Bowen Technique brings rapid relief and gets them back to the game quickly. Some people use The Bowen Technique as a means of stress management and general health maintenance, seeing their therapist regularly 2-4 times a year.
The technique's name is from its originator, Tom Bowen, who lived and worked in Geelong, Australia. And today, more than two decades after his death in 1982, he is recognised as a naturally gifted, largely self-taught therapist who, through his own special technique, managed to help thousands of people overcome or be able to cope with a wide range of injury, illness and disability.
Since his death, his powerful therapy has flourished in many countries around the world. It has been taught in the UK since 1993 and there are now over 1000 practitioners around the country and more being trained all the time. As a result, The Bowen Technique has an increasingly high profile in the ranks of complementary medicine and orthodox medical practice as well.
The European College of Bowen Studies (E.C.B.S.)is a well-established college that provides professional, practical, hands-on training in The Bowen Technique with courses beginning throughout the year, throughout the UK. The Bowen Technique is a powerful, gentle and effective remedial therapy which prompts the bodys own resources to resolve, balance and realign, bringing quick and lasting relief for most patients from conditions such as: frozen shoulder, back and neck pain, sports injuries, respiratory conditions and many more.
The Bowen Technique is very gentle on patient and practitioner alike. E.C.B.S. is registered with/a member of/or has professional links with: BTER, FHT, BCMA, CThA, GPBT, BABTAC and the College of Chiropractors.
If you are interested in becoming a Bowen's practitioner request a course prospectus from:E.C.B.S., 38 Portway, FROME, Somerset BA11 1QU Tel/Fax: Alternatively, email or visit the web site at
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