Sound Healing
There was a time when the loudest sound one heard was the sound of people chanting. Medieval artwork depicts people working in the fields and their mouths are open which shows they were singing while they were working. Sounds of birds singing and cracks of thunder were other natural sounds that people heard regularly.
Gregorian chant uses one full breath to sing an entire line. Both listening to and singing this type of music brings your attention, consciously and unconsciously, to the breath. Entrainment is the process where consistent external rhythms cause our internal pulse systems (heart, breath, brainwaves) to speed up or slow down. Robert Monroe has demonstrated how sound entrains the brain. And, when the brain is entrained to wholesome sound, then it can support the body in its innate wellbeing.
Entrainment can be found in nature. Listen to the sound of ocean waves and notice how it calms you. Your internal systems begin to match the rhythm of the waves. Likewise, notice next time you are out walking with someone as to how your feet move in unison. When playing the quartz crystal bowls, they vibrates a particular area of the body, using a forced resonance to bring the body in tune with the sound of the bowl. The brain becomes entrained with the sounds of the crystal bowls being played which brings the body into a state of deep relaxation.
Quartz crystal bowls create sounds that lift the vibratory rate of the electro-magnetic field which in turn lifts the body's frequency into a higher state of balance. They produce regenerative sounds utilising harmonics and overtones. By harmonic induction, the body raises it vibratory frequency to match the resonance of the crystal bowls. It's the resonance of the sounds of these crystal bowls that your body begins to resonate with, which will uplift its vibration.
Eileen Bray,, M.S.,M.A., has worked with sound, light and energy for over 25 years. She synthesizes Egyptian, Celtic, Native American and Hawaiian traditions, employing leading edge modalities including sound acupuncture, Mongolian Overtone Chanting, playing of crystal bowls, shamanic counselling, and hands-on healing. Her work focuses on the use of subtle energies, which is also highly effective with animals and plants.