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Creative Visualization
By Shakti Gawain
Make your own creative visualization by sitting comfortably with your back straight, either in a chair or cross-legged on a pillow on the floor. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, counting down from ten to one until you feel deeply relaxed. Imagine that there is a long cord attached to the base of your spine, extending down through the floor and way down into the earth. If you wish, you can imagine that this is like the root of a tree, growing deep into the ground. This is called a 'grounding cord.'
Now imagine that the energy of the earth is flowing up through this cord (and up through the soles of your feet if you are sitting in a chair) and flowing up through all parts of your body, and out through the top of y0our head. Picture this until you really feel the flow well established. Now imagine that the energy of the cosmos is flowing in through the top of your head, through your body, and down through your grounding cord and your feet into the earth. Feel both these flows going in different directions, and mixing harmoniously in your body.
This meditation keeps you balanced between the cosmic energy of vision, fantasy, and imagination and the stable, earthy energy of the physical plane giving you a balance that will increase your sense of being and your powerful manifestation.
This is an extract from Shakti Gawain's classic guide called Creative Visualization and is filled with meditations, exercises, and techniques that can help you to use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life, change negative habit patterns, improve self-esteem, reach career goals and much more. The book is available in the Soothingminds online shop.
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