Angels and Sound
By Anna Taylor
The inspirational story Anna has to tell belies the fact she is twenty - five years old; for she has overcome many obstacles, experienced pain at every level and has a wisdom and understanding that means she is often described as ageless by those who meet her. Her life of courage, determination and extraordinary transformation offers hope to others and is also one of joy and beauty.
One of twins, born eleven weeks premature, Anna spent her first three months in hospital and has since strived bravely, against all odds, providing proof that miracles can and do happen.
For most people, learning to walk is a fairly simple process, for Anna it was a series of major challenges. Her first independent steps were taken at six years old, having spent a great deal of time in physiotherapy, using crutches and crawling to move on her own. She was always determined to participate fully in life though, and two years later she ran in her school Sports Day there was not a dry eye on the field!
Anna continued to make incredible progress but as her growth spurt took its toll on her muscles, she was told that without surgery, she would be confined to a wheelchair by the age of thirty. For her, this meant no choice two operations within seven months of each other to maintain her mobility. It was whilst having to learn to walk again, twice more following each operation, that she also learnt how powerful the mind is, that the exertion was as much mental as it was physical.
Returning to school, after almost a year away, the promise of new freedom and independence failed to materialise. Exhaustion set in and her immune system collapsed, along with her hopes and dreams. She was devastated. Everyday tasks like getting out of bed or holding concentration became bearable challenges compared to the emotional turmoil she faced at being unable to continue in mainstream education and losing contact with friends she loved. But hard - working and conscientious, she chose to rise above the pain to proudly achieve six GCSEs with only five hours home tutoring per week.
Her studying was then curtailed due to her illness but she never stopped learning. In fact, it was upon embarking on her healing journey that she willingly opened her mind to new ideas and began to discover a depth and meaning in her life, reawakening to her true spiritual purpose and to the gifts she has been given in all her experiences.
She is a loving and compassionate woman who has a remarkable ability to empathize and communicate with others, sharing with such warmth and honesty. And with her singing voice too, she is somehow able to reach those intangible spaces in between intellect and emotion, thereby lightly touching that state of grace. You can tell every note means something to her, as does every day.
Now well and trained as an Angel Therapy Practitioner, she embraces life and all it has to offer, enjoying work and play in equal measures. She is free of her wheelchair and is an example to those who desire to change their lives. She believes that dedication, faith and love have been the key to her transformation and wishes to share her story to let others know that anything is possible Anna is a sensitive, gifted intuitive who connects with the angelic, elemental and ascended master realms to lovingly guide and heal you.
Sessions with Anna can be beneficial if you would like to:
Connect with your Angels and other heavenly helpers for loving support?
Receive guidance on your life purpose, relationships, health and/or finances?
Gain clarity during a change in your life?
Feel healthier and happier?
Anna uses a variety of spiritual healing methods in her work. Each session is unique according to your needs and desires and can include:
Oracle Card Reading Anna uses Doreen Virtues cards as a wonderful way to connect with and receive guidance from your heavenly helpers, who can provide you with insights into any area of your life and help you feel fully supported. Anna uses a variety of decks to connect with your guides and guardians from the different realms (for more info see guides and guardians heading)
Intuitive and Channelled Guidance As well as using the cards Anna is able to use her gifts to receive and deliver divine messages that are personal to you!
Energy Healing and Clearing Working with the Angels, Anna is able to help restore and re energize the natural balance of the mind, body and spirit, often using healing touch to channel divine healing energy.
Personalised Affirmations Affirmations are positive statements and are often shared in Annas sessions to help focus your thoughts on what you wish for!
Annas life has taught her that we are never alone and one of the most rewarding aspects of her work is to help others realise the same by connecting them with their guides and guardians such as:
We all have angels with us and their role in our lives is to help us with anything that will bring us peace, whether it be something seemingly small like finding a car parking space or the perfect birthday gift; or a major life area like a relationship or career. The angels are delighted to help us we just have to ask!
There are 15 very powerful Archangels who oversee the guardian angels. They can protect and guide us and also help us to take action in our lives! It is not selfish to call upon them as the Archangels (and angels) have no time or space restrictions so they can simultaneously be with anyone who calls on them and can work alongside your guardian angels to assist you with whatever you need. Each Archangel has a particular role and it can be wonderful to call on specific ones to help us.
The Fairies are nature angels (elementals) who are just as important as the angels yet, being closer to Earth, are often able to help with more practical day to day issues and love being involved in helping us to have more fun! They can also teach us to manifest our desires as well as help us take more care of the environment and its inhabitants, including the plants and animals.
Goddesses come from both ancient and modern cultures, including African, Egyptian and Greek as well as different religions such as Christianity and Buddhism. Some of those well known to us are Mother Mary, Aphrodite and Guinevere. Each Goddess is loving, strong and powerful and can assist us with every aspect of our lives; in particular they can help to heal and awaken our own feminine power and wisdom which is within every man and woman, thus allowing the world to become more balanced, one person at a time.
Mermaids and Dolphins
The Mermaids and Dolphins have a magical energy and particularly like to work together to help us manifest our goals, desires and divine life purpose. They can help us identify and release any blocks or fears connected to our hearts desires so we can live an abundant and joyful life. And like the fairies, they wish remind us of the importance of play time!
Unicorns are beautiful angelic creatures who want to help us feel happier and make our dreams come true. Anyone can ask the unicorns for help but their pure and gentle energy mean that children particularly love and trust them. However, with an open heart, people of all ages can experience their magic!
Anna's voice
As mentioned in her story, Anna also sings and has done since childhood. While other family members danced to music, she found great freedom in using her voice and exploring the many different sounds she could make.
Over the years, as she grew into her teens and faced many challenges, she became less able to express herself in her voice but still, she sought solace in the music she listened to and took comfort in the lyrics that echoed all her moods and emotions. Never would a day go by without the company of a sympathetic or uplifting tune.
Then after a particular traumatic period, Anna was introduced to sound and song therapy and there began a new relationship with herself and her voice. In a very supportive and non - judgemental environment, she was encouraged to take the focus off performance and instead reconnect with the creativity of her authentic sound and the sense of freedom she had long forgotten. In doing so, she not only rediscovered her passion for singing but also began to appreciate the incredibly healing and transformational effect music and sound can have on the mind, body and spirit.
It became her understanding that we are all vibrational beings and that every cell in the body vibrates at an optimum frequency for good health. It made so much sense to her to realise how sound healing can help restore our natural harmony and how, when we sound, we are not only releasing emotion but also giving ourselves a sonic massage.
As she learned more about the power of sound, it was easy for her to see why music had been so important in her life and how it can benefit us all in unique ways there being something to suit every individual, every mood, every occasion. It seems to Anna that unlike any other language, it is universal. In fact, it goes beyond language and is able to transcend barriers between all, lifting us to a space outside ourselves, yet reminding us of who we are in a second.
Singing from her heart deepens Annas connection with God and the Angels and from this she is able to touch others with her voice. Anna also receives her divine messages through the lyrics she hears and the songs she finds herself singing from day to day. For example, one day, when Anna was singing Over the Rainbow she received a message from her Angels saying:
"It's all REAL. Over the Rainbow is REAL. It's the most magical place where your dreams are co created with God. Every dream you have in your heart is a colour of the rainbow, which when all merged together create the most perfect picture you've ever seen - your life! The BEST one you deserve and it is YOURS if you let yourself FLY."
It is for this reason Anna considers her singing integral to her being. She feels it is very much part of her life purpose to keep sharing this gift with many people and combine it with her work as an Angel Therapy Practitioner
For more information on Anna and her work you can email or visit her web site at Alternatively, you can phone 0