Revitalise your whole being with Colour Energy. Take the colour test and find how colour energy is working with you today.

Click on one of the coloured squares in the Colour Selector on the left hand side of the screen and the page will change to the same colour! You will be able to change the page colour wherever you see the Selector on the site.
We take in colour energy through our eyes, skin and the food that we eat . Notice next time you go for a walk in the woods how you feel or become aware of how your body reacts to certain colours and surroundings. Colour energy is a series of wavelengths in the visible spectrum that we call light and our bodies use this energy to help maintain a vibrant healthy state.
You will be attracted to certain colours or indeed repelled by certain shades depending what is happening in your life on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Learning more about colour energy will help you to know more about yourself and may well surprise you along the way. Enjoy.

Red energy is primarily focused on supporting changing environments and seeking courage, security and confidence in order to work through the particular circumstance. The energy is associated with the root or base energy centre and will help balance an over active heart centre. Red is a driving force and when repelled would suggest a denial about a particular situation.

Orange energy is a very social vibration. It helps us in our careers, inner joy and to fulfill creative ambitions and especially those that involve physical interpretation. Relationships are key with orange energy whether they be with others or the self. The vibration of orange will also soothe an active throat or third eye energy centre.

Yellow energy gives us clarity, wisdom and knowledge. It will help us in times of low self-esteem or sense of being alone and is very supportive during times of study and renewal. Yellow reflects the male energy of the sun and will help direct us to answers in our lives.

Green energy is the major balancer in the colour spectrum. Just look around at nature and see how calm you feel within five minutes or so of absorbing the many variations of green energy. This colour also represents our ability to give and care for others as well as ourself. When we push this colour away invariable there are aspects about ourselves that we are avoiding.

Turquoise energy key role is to help us communicate what we really feel in a way that others understand our point of view and why we do what we do in certain situations. It is often referred to as an old soul who is returning to help others on their path so teaching is often an attraction.

Blue energy is about making things happen in an orderly manner. Blue supports the throat chakra and helps us to convey the right words at the right time. Often this colour is associated with clear and concise communications with people working in the media and learning professions.

Indigo energy is at the heart of the third eye or brow chakra. It is our doorway to meditation, relaxation and connecting with our intuition. When indigo energy is flowing freely it reinforces commitment and loyalty to others and gives us an ability to have an inner faith and see the bigger picture in life. However, when out of balance we can be judgmental and become self-centred with a fear of the future.

Violet energy represents creativity of the mind - pure inspiration and mental agility. This energy harnesses all creativity and will help us to inspire others and generates a charming and friendly attitude. When out of balance there is tendency to be arrogant in thinking that you are better or know better than others and can be calculating and very critical of the self.

Magenta energy is fast and exciting - it is associated with self realization of our true strengths and accepting love of ourselves in order that we can also give to others. It is a nurturing and supportive colour to help us break free of old habits and ways of life.