Osteopathy is a system of medicine, developed in the early part of the 20th century, that treats dysfunction anywhere in the human body through a focus on the musculo-skeletal system and its neurological, vascular and visceral interactions. Nowadays osteopathy is seen as one of the various forms of manual (or manipulative) therapy; however there more to osteopathy than this.
The profession was established by Andrew Taylor Still in 1892. Osteopathy has been practiced in the UK since 1917. In 1993 the Osteopaths Act was passed, making it a criminal offence for someone to call themselves an osteopath who is not registered with the General Osteopathic Council. This register came into being in May 2000.
In 1993 Osteopathy became the first complementary health care profession to be accorded statutory recognition.
Osteopathy is the development of two of the oldest forms of treatment known to man: massage and manipulation. It seeks to treat injury and disease by enhancing the body's own natural healing process.
Over the years osteopathy has perhaps become synonymous with the treatment of spinal pain - after all, low back pain is common and it affects daily life dramatically. But in reality osteopathy also helps pain and dysfunction in other parts of the body (e.g. ankles, knees, elbows, ribs etc.), as well as helping the functioning of important areas such as the thorax, abdomen and pelvis.
Osteopathy moves beyond just fixing symptoms, though this is the first priority. Rather it aims to effectively make changes so that symptoms are much less likely to return in the future. Sometimes the causes (there is rarely just one!) lie outside the body (e.g. the ergonomics of an office workstation, a car seat and so on) or sometimes they lie 'within' the body (e.g. a stiff unyielding part of the spine, a poor sleep pattern).
But it can be more than this - osteopathy can help a variety of other problems ranging from headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other 'functional' disorders. Very often, actions to improve sleep, breathing, posture, nutrition and exercise can make a world of difference.
Osteopathy for pain relief
Pain is a warning signal that something is wrong. It is the body's natural defence mechanism to alert you to a problem. Osteopaths diagnose the cause of pain and can do a lot to reduce the level of your pain and suffering, whether it is a long-standing condition or a new injury.
Osteopathy for back and neck complaints
The vast majority of patients that see an Osteopath will do so because of back or neck pain. Osteopathic manipulation is widely regarded as the established treatment for mechanical problems of the spine.
Osteopathy and Sports Injuries
Whether you are a professional athlete or just exercising for fun the less time you are away from your sport due to injury the better. We offer comprehensive sports injury treatment
Osteopathy and Pregnancy
Osteopathic treatment throughout pregnancy can help the body adapt to the changes which are taking place. After a thorough assessment, gentle osteopathic treatment may help to relieve the aches and pains caused by the growth of the baby and the mother's reaction to this growth. Advice from your osteopath can help you change your posture and learn to hold your body correctly through pregnancy.
Osteopathy and Arthritis
A large proportion of Osteopaths' time is spent dealing with the pain and suffering caused to patients as a result of arthritis. Many people mistakenly assume that the symptoms of arthritis are untreatable and that they must learn to live with pain and stiffness. Although the arthritic changes cannot be reversed, in many cases Osteopaths can help to relieve pain and improve the quality of life for arthritis sufferers.
Osteopathy for babies and young children
Osteopathy is a safe and natural approach to health care for all life stages and Osteopaths are increasingly being asked to treat babies and young children for complaints attributed to mechanical strains acquired before birth and during the birth process. Cranial-sacral therapy is a gentle form of Osteopathy treatment ideal for the treatment of babies for conditions such as colic, sleeping difficulties, feeding problems and also for irritable children.
To book an appointment with an osteopath in Bushey, Watford or Mill Hill call Osteoclinics on 0 or mobile 0791 98 98 7 98. Alternatively, email or visit www.osteoclinics.net for more info.