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Science of Emotions

By Dr Munchie

Anyone with sufficient experience of healing and working with emotions can have little doubt that the regulation of human biology lies external to the DNA: they will have witnessed the effects first hand of how resolution of aura blocks or emotional issues can have a dramatic effect on physical health.

From these observations it may be concluded that manipulation of the aura and emotional healing have an effect on the cell and even change the way that DNA is expressed. What is actually going on: why does it work?

The control of our cells does not lie with our genes. Our genes provide the codes to create proteins which have many functions in our body: from enzymes to speed up reactions to structural components in our hair and nails. The reproduction of DNA is also a key factor in cell division: a process that appears to get out of control in cancer. So what is that really regulates DNA?

Dr Bruce Lipton has been a pioneering voice in the field of molecular biology. He demonstrates that the control of the cell comes from signals from the membrane of the cell. Proteins embedded in the cell membrane can 'see' outside the cell and pick up messages in the form of chemicals in the bloodstream which then cause a reaction in the membrane protein that ultimately ends in sending signals to the DNA in the nucleus.

Lipton demonstrates that perception is the control of the cell. Perception is key to determining the translation of our DNA. Perception is based on our emotional make-up. Clear the emotional issues and the same stimulus in the environment no longer has the same response.

Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, a former oncologist in Munich has also examined the effects that a perceived shock has on cellular mechanism. The shock results in a ring-shaped focus of tissue damage which can be seen on a CT scan of the brain. This focus will appear in a specific area according to the type of shock perceived and will have a corresponding reaction in an organ related to this area of the brain embryo logically.

The organ could react by reproducing more of a type of cell: possibly leading to what we know as the disease of cancer. Hamer has studied so many CT scans of people following a shock/conflict that he can now pinpoint where in the body is likely to be affected and what type of conflict it was.

Hamer also realised that far from disease such as cancer being meaningless mistakes by the body, they are the body's way of restoring equilibrium. For example, if a woman has had a conflict of separation with her child, the tissue affected may be the left breast glandular tissues. It is as if the body wants to make the best of the time left with the child and produce more milk.

The area of the brain that corresponds with breast glandular tissue is the cerebellum - an older part of the brain which may show the focus of damage on CT imaging. In the case of breast glandular tissue, when the emotional conflict is resolved the tissue returns to normal. This does not necessarily occur with all shocks/conflicts so it is important to understand the natural progression of each type.

Again with Hamer's work we see that it is the individual's perception of the shock that is important; if the woman views her relationship partner as if (s)he is like her child, a shock to with her partner can produce the same patterns as conflict to do with children. It is therefore important to understand the intricacies of the emotional shock for each individual.

This is an edited extract from an article written by Dr Majir Samanta-Laughton MBBS, Dip Bio-Energy (known as Dr Muchie)who trained as a medical doctor and energy medical consultant. The article first appeared in Healing Today, issue 98 and permission has been given by the author and publisher. Healing Today is published by The National Federation of Spiritual Healers at

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