The Only Thing You'll Never Leave Behind
By Cynthia Sue Larsen
Your aura is the source of your inner beauty and inner strength. It is the true energetic essence that comprises your non-local body, connects you to all possible past and future selves, and links you to everyone and everything you know and love. Pregnant women and people in love are often said to "glow," because their auras are combined with their loved one's and are therefore brighter than most other peoples'.
Any time two or more people are brought together in love, the auric effect is extraordinary. The energy of people in love attracts more good situations, people, and things to them, which further enhances the experience of being in love.
Auras are indicators of health, vitality, what we're preoccupied with, and even our personal destiny. When you feel and see auras, you know which choices are best for you, and can discern which things, people, and places resonate in harmony with who you are. You can avoid wasting your time and energy when you recognize your core energetic nature and personal style of relating to the world. You can feel better connected to everyone you love, and better protected from harm.
To those who can see it, the human energy body looks like a luminous ovoid surrounding the physical body, somewhat resembling a giant glowing egg. Each sound, breath, and heartbeat creates ripples and pulses of colour energy around every living and non-living thing. As emotions change, so does the aura. Over time, habitual thoughts and feelings become a steady part of the auric field. Mothers could well caution their children, Watch out that you don't keep that attitude too long-your aura could get stuck that way!
Your aura is so much a part of you that you could say you're inseparable, for to lose your vitality and life force is to lose your life. More fun than your shadow, your aura is a real-time presentation of how you're feeling in general and at this very minute. It's usually the first thing people sense when they meet you. It gives them a kind of "vibe" or intuitive hunch about you, since it is the essence of who you truly are.
Many Children See Auras
You may recall having seen auras when you were a young child. Perhaps you could see the mood of your family members as waves and shapes of color that changed as they were angry, happy, or sad. Many children see auras around people and material objects, and can keep this ability if they are encouraged (or, rather, if they are not discouraged). While young children may not yet be able to describe the fullness of perception they experience with their beginner's minds, they can convey some of their auric perceptions through art.
When children can nurture their artistic vision and inner "knowingness," they preserve their natural inborn talent to perceive the universe of energy as it truly is. Parents and teachers can provide support and help preserve these natural talents of children by being more aware of the effect of their words when they view children's art.
A supportive mother might say to her artistic toddler, "I like the way you coloured your sister red and the dog green," even if she doesn't see a red haze around the sister or a green fog around the dog. The child may not even realize he is drawing something that his mother does not see-but this kind of encouragement will help him keep his perceptions keen.
My first memories of being a baby were a blur of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings. When I was in a room, I saw and felt swirls of colors that ebbed and flowed around me like waves of light in an ocean of color. There was serenity in my solitude, which would change into a cacophony of color when my parents returned to my room.
I could see these colours whether my eyes were open or shut, although they seemed brighter and clearer when my eyes were open. As my eyes developed the skill of focusing on objects, I gradually paid more attention to what I could see when my eyes were open so that I could not see so well with them shut. In this way, my natural ability to see auras gradually fell dormant as I grew up.
When I was an infant, all my senses seemed interconnected, most especially vision and hearing. This way of experiencing the world is known as "synesthesia," a Greek word that means "perceiving together." Whenever something made a sudden and surprising noise, such as a metal spoon falling off a table and hitting the floor, I would simultaneously witness a piercing flash of color that accompanied the sound. When my mother came home from shopping in a good mood, her colors would enter the house as she was still on the other side of the closed door, fumbling to open it.
The auras around everything were vibrant. I perceived a sentience in all these glowing things-whether they were living or so-called dead. Like colorful shadows that go wherever we will go, our auras are the one thing we can't ever leave behind, for they are our steady companions. Their ubiquitous presence in all things animate and inanimate has led many to wonder what the true nature of this wonderful energy is, and how it interrelates with the physical world.
Some researchers believe that all babies are born synesthesics, although relatively few adults (one in twenty-five thousand) are aware of having this perceptual ability. [2] Synesthesia is obviously common enough that several descriptive terms in both color and music share the same nomenclature: chromatic, colour, intensity, pitch, tone, and volume.
Several of the world's best musical composers have seen colors in music. Franz Liszt was known to say things like, "This is too black," "More pink here," and "I want it all azure."? Ludwig van Beethoven referred to B minor as "the black key." Franz Schubert described E minor as being "unto a maiden robed in white and with a rose-red bow on her breast." [3]
Chapter 1 Notes
[1] Cayce, Edgar. Auras: An Essay on the Meaning of Colors. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1945, p. 8.
[2] Cytowic, Richard E. Synesthesia: Phenomenology and Neuropsychology A Review of Current Knowledge in Psyche: An Interdisciplanry Journal of Research on Consciousness, 2(10), July 1995.
[3] Birren, Faber. Color Psychology & Color Therapy. Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, , 1960, p. 163.
This is an extract from Cynthia's site RealityShifters which is packed full with inspirational ideas for conscious creators. How good can it get? Visit